
Tip of the Day: Be Your Own Convenience 2

Chips, crackers, cookies, popcorn.

If your kids are anything like mine, an open bag of chips becomes in empty bag of chips in a matter of seconds.  They just can't resist.  So rather than hovering over them and handing out snacks one at a time, I just bag them into snack size baggies ahead of time. All kinds of snack foods can be bagged for later consumption.  When the kids get home from school, they know they get one snack.  They can choose from the snack bucket what they want to eat, and I don't have to listen to fighting about who ate the last handful of crumbs from the bottom of the Doritos bag!

Yes, it costs money for the baggies.  But we reuse them again and again (they aren't dirty, it's just crumbs), and it's a whole lot cheaper than buying individual servings, or going through a bag a day.


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