It hadn't crossed my mind before that I could re-stuff my bean bags. And in my excitement to have newly fluffed bags, I completely ignored Kate's warning.
Here is what happened:
In less than an hour, I had tiny little white puffs in EVERY room of my house! In my bedroom. In the tub. In my dinner! EVERYWHERE. They possess magical properties that allow them to quickly travel long distances and adhere to any surface.
And here is what I learned:
1. You should never re-bean a bean bag with children in the house. It's just too risky.
2. You can use a paper clip to grab onto the hook-less inner zipper to get it open.
3. You can use a funnel to pour the new beans into the bag.
4. Having a second pair of hands helps (but NOT kid hands!).
5. Bean bags don't have to be filled with beans (aka Styrofoam fluff balls). You can use anything soft!
After I took all the beans out of one bag to combined it with the other, I was left with a sad empty bean sack in need of stuffing. So I took an old comforter out of the closet and stuffed it in. I was surprised that it didn't fill it up very much. So I grabbed a second comforter. And then a third. And then a fourth!
So all that extra bedding that I have no good place to store, but I have to keep around in case company comes over... it's in the bag. It's totally serving a useful purpose AND it's out of the way! Win-Win.
Good luck with your soon to be new bean bags! Just remember to keep a vacuum handy and NO KIDS ALLOWED!
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