
I'm Not Faking It. I'm Just an Optimist.

Some mornings I wake up and look at this blog and I feel like such a faker.  Who am I to be giving out advice on kids or money or anything else for that matter?

I woke up this morning to the sound of kids fighting.  Even though I clearly have a solution to Help Kids Stop Fighting. 

My laundry is piled up to the ceiling even though I have The Best Recipe for Home Made Laundry Soap Ever! and I also advocate Routine Closet Cleaning to get rid of things you don't wear anymore and cut down extra laundry.

I went downstairs and found cereal all over the counter and floor.  This shouldn't happen since I always bag my cereal in individual baggies. And why are the kids plopped in front of the TV?  I thought we were enjoying the benefits of being TV-free!

All day long my kids whined that they were bored.  But I'm sure I planned a number of really fun Inexpensive Parent/Child Dates.  Now it's almost dinner time, and I'm wondering if we should just grab a credit card and go out to eat. But then I remembered that I already Cut up my Credit Card and that I am trying not to Waste Money Being Lazy.

So what's going on here?  Am I super mom or not?  Yes.
I am, and I'm not.
Some days I know what to do, and I do it.  Some days I don't. I either don't know or I just don't do.

And that's okay.  If you're like me, you have good days and not so good days. And that's okay.  On the days when you are ready to try harder, come join us at Big Families Big Ideas, and we'll help you find every-day solutions to your big family needs.  If the best you can do today is try to keep the kids alive while you enjoy a popsicle and a movie, then you're in the right place too.  We fail every day.  And that's okay.

So am I faking it?  No.  I'm just an optimist.  I know tomorrow will be better for both of us if we just keep trying.


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