
Tip Of The Day: Share

Share?  Share what?


If you buy $10 of fireworks, you'll be done with them in 15 minutes.  If I buy $10 of fireworks, I'll be out in the same 15 minutes.  If we put them together, you guessed it, we get a whole half an hour of sparklers and lights exploding into the sky.  And if we get our whole street in on this, we'll stay up all night.

So share.  Grab a few neighbors, pile your assorted stashes together, and have a crazy fun night, for a fraction of the cost.

*Also, be safe.  Kids + fireworks = burned fingers or worse, more often than you want to imagine.  So put out a blanket for the kids to stay on (easy boundary for small ones), and keep some cold water on hand for those fingers that just couldn't resist a sparkler, again.


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