
Kids and Work

I have a daughter (we will call her "A") who is great at housecleaning.  She keeps a clean room, does her chores well, and is even willing to do extra work around the house without being asked.  I have another daughter (we will call her "B") who is a slob.  Her room is a dump, she doesn't like to do her chores, and when she does work, it's not very good quality.


If there is yard work to do, something heavy to lift, or things to be built, guess who shows up?  Daughter B.  She stinks at dishes.  She stinks at sweeping.  She stinks at laundry.  But she will weed the yard for hours without complaint.  She will pound nails and drill screws in the blazing hot sun and love it.  Guess who is so afraid of bugs they won't go outside ever?  Daughter A.

Everyone is different.  Some plumbers love being plumbers.  They would die if confined to an office.  Some accountants love being accountants.  They would be miserable if they had to work out in a field all day.  So why not embrace those differences?  If you have a child who loves a certain type of chore but hates another, let them do what they like.

Every child needs to learn to do laundry, or wash dishes, or whatever.  But once they know how, they don't have to keep doing them forever.

Of course this only works if someone else does like to do that chore.  If no one likes to do it, then everyone has to do it.  But if I love dishes and you love laundry, why not trade?  I make your bed; you hang up my clothes.  Hmm... this is a great idea that may have further applications then I've ever thought of before?  Hey, do any of you want to come over and fold my laundry for me?


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