
Make Someone's Day

My daughter called from school to tell us she forgot her trumpet at home.  My sweet sister-in-law offered to bring it to her.  She had just gotten out of the shower, and with wet hair and no makeup she headed to the school (not exactly feeling like her best self).  On the way into the school, she passed a beautiful, well-dressed mother leaving the school.  Just after she passed her, the woman blurted out, "Wow, you smell good!"  My sister-in-law turned around to see that the woman was actually talking to her.  "What kind of shampoo do you use?  It smells amazing!"

If it had been you who smelled a nice-smelling person, would you have blurted it out, or kept that thought to yourself?

It's a little weird, right?

But why?  Why is it strange to say something positive to a stranger?  Or even to a friend?  Why do we keep our good thoughts to ourselves?

That one little comment made my sister-in-law's day.  In just seconds she went from seeing herself as "just got out of the shower, frazzled lady" to being "nice-smelling-hair lady."

I'm sure the other woman wasn't trying especially hard to be nice.  She may have even felt weird for saying anything at all.  But she did say it, and it made someone happy.

So go ahead.  Blurt out compliments.  Even weird ones.  Make someone's day.

Happy Fact: If you let broccoli grow, it will eventually bloom.


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