
Do It Yourself: Father's Day Shirts (Hint: Father's Day is June 15th!)

Our Mother's Day shirts went so well, I decided to give it another go for Father's Day.
Again I'm counting on the fact that none of my "Dads" read my blog...


We made this first t-shirt for my Uncle Floyd.

As you can tell he's not exactly a blood relative.  But we love him and he has been a part of our family since my parents were first married.  So I thought this particular shirt might be a good reminder to him that he is stuck with us.

I started with sticker letters I had on hand.

Then I painted around the letters (just with my fingers because I couldn't find any brushes). Once the paint dried, I pulled up the letters.The top is suppose to look like puffy clouds, and the bottom is a lake!

Then my daughter used our puff paint pens to draw in fish and a pole. We wrote the kids' names in with permanent marker.

Blow drying because I have no patience.



This shirt is for Grandpa Keith, and it suits him so well because he really is a totally push-over for his kids.

Again with the sticker letters... I made KIDS and WALK in all caps just to help them stand out.

Then I stepped in paint and litterally walked all over the shirt, trying my best to cover all the words.  Warning: It is helpful to have a place to sit down when you get to the other side of the shirt. I found myself standing there covered in paint with nowhere to go. I had to call for back up to bring me a chair to sit down and a rag to clean my feet.

Repeat with new feet and a new color. For the littler kids, I actually picked them up and then set them down on the shirt exactly where I wanted them.

I started with the biggest feet and worked my way down to smaller feet. I also try to use the most contrasting color (in this case BLUE) closest to the writing to help it show up better.



This shirt is for Grampy, whom all the kids adore, and they really do literally walk all over him. He's a bit of a grease monkey too, so I thought this "dirty" looking shirt would suit him well.

Yes, still using stickers.

I decided to go for a different look on this one, so I used spray paint!

I just sprayed lightly over all the letters (notice the cardboard in between the layers of fabric. You don't want to accidentally paint your shirt shut!)

Then I added a couple black footprints to look like they walked through the black "puddle" and across the shirt.

I LOVE how this one turned out! Totally cool!

Happy Father's Day!


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