
Tip Of The Day: Don't buy baby stuff

Don't use baby products.  They are just expensive versions of the regular stuff.  Seriously.

There are a million products out there marketed as being special for babies, but they aren't special at all. They are just smaller-- and more expensive (kind of like babies)!  Really.

Baby juice is really just grown up juice in a cute bottle.  Buy real juice (100% juice, nothing added) in big people jugs, for a lot cheaper, and then feed that to your baby instead.

Baby laundry soap is the same thing as dye-and-perfume-free grown up laundry soap.

Baby fruits and veggies are just either fresh, cooked and pureed, or else canned (no salt added) and pureed or mashed.

I could go on forever, but I think you get my point.   Don't pay extra for baby stuff that is really just regular stuff in disguise.

*one exception: medications.  NEVER give babies medication made for bigger people, EVER.


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