
Tip of the day: Put Your Toilet Paper Roll on Backwards

When you have a lot of little bottoms in your house, you can go through a LOT of toilet paper.

So let's talk about how to keep more of your paper on the roll and off of the floor.

There is generally considered a right way and a wrong way to put your toilet paper on the roll.

The right way is with the paper rolling over the front on side B.

The wrong way is with the paper rolling backwards on side A.

I'm here to tell you that the wrong way is the right way.

Do you have little kids who love to unroll the toilet paper like it's an endless carousel of fun?  Yeah, so do I. 

Try putting your toilet paper on the roll backwards.

Yes, I know it seems trivial, but sometimes it's the small things that make the biggest difference.

When the toilet paper is on the roll the right way, it can be easily unrolled just by hitting it.  A very unskilled toddler or even a cat, can unwind the entire roll in less than 15 seconds.

But when the roll is put on wrong, it spins the opposite way.  This means that when your mischievous family member hits it, it will actually roll itself back up!

Now this won't stop your two year old from just grabbing the end and running down the hall with it like a 50 foot long kite tail, but it will stop the casual offender (or at least slow them down long enough for you to potentially catch them in the act).

Good luck.



  1. Nice post! This is a very nice blog that I will definitively come back to more times this year! Thanks for informative post. bonrollen

  2. Nice post! This is a very nice blog that I will definitively come back to more times this year! Thanks for informative post. bonrollen
