
Something else...

Ever since we started this blog, I've been more and more interested in finding out how other moms do it - how they get through their days smoothly (or not), how they see themselves, what advice they have to give.  Here are some links to just a few of the articles I've been reading lately.  Plus a cartoon, which is always fun!



Seven Surprising Things About Having a Big Family - A really great article written by a mother of five, who was an only child.  An unusual perspective, but what she writes sounds really familiar to me.

Mom of 16 Kids Shares Tips on Raising a Family - Wow, sixteen kids??  I could probably learn a thing or two from her!  (Although it is really interesting to me that she only recently put her family on a budget...)

Families: When Bigger is Better - This one is written by a practicing physician and mother of seven.  It's nice sometimes to read a few reasons why having a large family could be a *good* thing.

And finally, a little cheese for your day.  Awww.

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