
What Can You Do With a Broken Chair?

So remember the chair we found on the sidewalk that my kids gave my husband the Christmas before last?

Well, we just got ourselves a really fabulous hand-me-down couch from some friends, and our living room was just WAY too crowded (think two couches, two recliners, and a wooden rocking chair in a medium-sized living room) so obviously, something had to go.

The rocking chair made its way into my bedroom, for more convenient nighttime use.  But the living room was still just way too full.  The obvious choice was the chair.  The chair that called our names on that cold, cold night, that my kids and I wrestled into the back of our Suburban, and then into the house.  That they so joyfully surprised my husband with on Christmas morning.  That had been, in fact, quite broken when we found it - which really shouldn't have been a surprise, since it was left on the sidewalk, after all...  For the past year and a half, it had given us a great place to sit and watch movies... in fact it could seat up to three, since the sides had become unattached from the rest of the frame and it could really "spread out" now.  Is it starting to become clear, why this chair was the clear winner?  ...Or loser?

So now that we know we're getting rid of it, do we just do the "normal" thing, and buy the $5 tag to put it out on the curb on trash day?  Heck, no!  Not only am I way too cheap to pay to get rid of my stuff, but I was pretty excited about reusing all that leather.

So.  What CAN you do with a broken chair?

Well, you can...

 Beat the crap out of it...

Tear the insides out...

And play in the "fluff" for awhile.

And then you can decide what to do with all that lovely leather!

 ...I'm thinking moccasins for my little man, and maybe a cute bag after that.

Any suggestions?


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