
Tip of The Day: Sharing: It really works!

I have a friend who has a cute little one-year-old daughter, and who recently found out that the baby she is expecting... is twin boys!  Needless to say, she needs some baby "stuff".  Not a ton, since she still has everything from her darling daughter, but there are obviously a few things she would benefit from.

I asked her for specifics, and she gave me a list: boy clothes (check!), boppy pillow (check!), double stroller... oh wait, I don't have one of those to give her.

But never fear, just like is always the case, there is someone getting rid of the very thing she needs.  This time, it happens to be my neighbor.  Now, these two friends of mine don't know one another, and in all likelihood will never meet.  But when my neighbor mentioned wanting to find someone who needed a double jogger, because she's getting rid of hers... bam!  Free stroller for my friend!

Check out the haul I was able to pass along to my sweet friend.  All for free, all in great condition.  Some of it was mine, some of it was my neighbor's, all of it will be used by two sweet baby boys soon.

Stroller, bath seat, activity seat, tons of clothes...
Ok, not the violin.  I forgot to move it before taking the photo. :)

Share.  Pass it along.  Hand it down.  Someone needs it, even if you don't.


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