
Get out of my house!

Get out of my house!
I mean that in a good way. Really.

Maybe it's still winter where you are, or maybe it's a breezy 75 degrees (if it is, I envy you A LOT!). Either way, it's time to start sending your kids outside more.

Maybe it's still a bit too cold.
Doesn't matter. Kids can put gloves on.

Maybe it's really wet and muddy outside.
Doesn't matter. Kids can take baths. Clothes can be washed.

Maybe they have asthma or allergies and can't play outside.
Doesn't matter. Take them to the doctor, get them some help, and send them outside.

Maybe your kids don't like playing outside much.
Definitely send your kids outside!

Some kids naturally can't wait to get back outside when spring comes, but others need a gentle nudge. After several long months huddled under blankets, watching T.V., kids can forget what there even is to do outside.  So get out there with them.  Throw a ball around. Wipe off the swing set. Start clearing out the dead vines from your garden. It doesn't matter what you do, but do something. And do it outside! It's good for the body, it's good for the soul, and it's good for your house.

Kids outside playing means less pent up energy and less fighting. Kids playing outside means less toys scattered all over your living room floor. Kids playing outside means less breathing each other's air and sharing germs inside. Kid playing outside means hungry bellies that will be more eager to eat whatever healthy foods you put in front of them, and tired bodies that will gladly fall asleep when bedtime comes.

So take advantage of that extra hour of sunlight and get your kids outside!


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