
Are You Doing Too Much?

I'm a really busy mom.
You're a really busy mom.
Have you ever met a mom that wasn't really busy?

We are all busy.  But what are we busy doing, and why?

I was recently talking to a friend who was telling me how tired she is from all the house work she has to do (plus she works full time outside her home).  As she went down the list of things she does each night, one thing grabbed my attention.  She irons her kids' pajamas.

She irons her kids' pajamas!

Bless her heart!  I barely iron my kids' Sunday clothes, so this seems more than a little extreme to me.  But it got me thinking, are there things I'm doing every day that are equally insane?

What is it that I'm spending (possibly wasting) my time on that I could let go of?

I like to put things in color order.  EVERYTHING in color order.  The books on the kids' shelves.  Our clothes in the closet.  The plastic cups in the kitchen cupboard.  When things are in rainbow order, the world feels right.  But it's NOT a must.  I don't have to do this.  I can let it go.  I can.  I CAN (I'm trying to convince myself here).

Now I'm not saying you can't do what you like, or that you shouldn't do things your own way.  I'm just saying if you feel overwhelmed, look for something you can give up that might help you feel a little less overwhelmed (is there such a thing as just being "whelmed?").

So what can you let go of?  What are you spending time doing that you could give up and not miss?

Are you picking your kids clothes out for them every morning?  Maybe it's time they learned to dress themselves (no matter how crazy their outfits look!).

Cooking multiple meals for picky eaters?  You might be surprised what your kids will eat if they don't have another option.

Ironing your bed sheets?  Stop it!  This is the 21st century.  Almost nothing needs ironed anymore.

Some habits can be tough to let go of, but ask yourself this: If I have 15 minutes of free time should I spend it alphabetizing my CD collection or playing UNO with my kids?


So what are you going to let go of?

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