
Tip of the Day: Pretend You're Moving

I hate extra stuff.  Hate it, hate it, hate it.  In fact, I'm in the middle of a month-long purge of around 500 extraneous items of crap, otherwise known as "things I used to think I couldn't live without" or at least "things I thought were worth spending money and/or space in my house on".

So as I go through my house, I'm finding some obvious choices: a bottle of carpet shampoo (guess who's had hardwood floors for the last two years?), an expired bottle of cough syrup.  And some not-so-obvious choices: how many pair of shoes is really reasonable to save for the next kid?

And along the way, I discovered that I have a whole other category I didn't even know about: the "if we move, I'm tossing it" stuff.  These are things that are so unusable, they're not worth space in a moving truck.  But I still keep them around.


Either they're worth keeping, or they're not.  Why wait til I move?  Why not toss them now?  I'm a big believer that having less "stuff" makes you want less "stuff".

This photo makes me miss Utah.  Oh, those blue skies!

Starting today, I'm pretending I'm moving.  You?


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