
Tip Of The Day: Avoid Temptation

I picked up my daughter from tennis practice yesterday, and we were headed straight to ballet class.  She was tired, hot, and dying of thirst.  She had left her water bottle at home that day, so she hadn't had anything to drink all afternoon.  As she got into the car, I apologized for not having thought to bring her a drink.  I suggested we stop and buy something on our way to dance class.  Then I checked my pockets and realized I had forgotten my wallet.  So I checked the coin tray in the car.  $0.47.  Not even enough for a half-priced slushee during happy-hour. 

Once we realized we were out of money options, my daughter started digging around underneath the car seats.  She pulled out an empty water bottle.  "The benefits of a messy car," she said.  I pulled up next to the school, and she jumped out and filled up her bottle in the drinking fountain.

We ended up arriving at dance class about 25 minutes early.  I said, "Too bad I forgot my wallet, we could go shopping or get a snack."  But since I had no money, we sat in the car and chatted for 20 minutes while my 15 year old taught my 5 year old how to tie his shoes.  Time well spent.

In less than an hour's time, I had been tempted to spend money (impulsively and unnecessarily) at least twice.  Thankfully I had left all my money at home.  Every day is filled with little moments like these.  Spending money is an easy cure for boredom.  Try removing money as an option (although you shouldn't really drive without your wallet!) and see what better ways you can find to spend your time.


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