
Tip of the Day: Kids Eat Free!

It's a generally-accepted fact that if you're trying to save money, you shouldn't go out to eat, right?  I am a big believer in staying home, cooking from scratch, and saving money.  However, once in awhile, you just want to go out, have someone else do the cooking, and even the clean up, am I right?

So while I am in no way advocating going out tonight if you are trying to figure out how to pay your electric bill this month, if instead you have saved up a little, and found room in your budget for a nice little outing, may I suggest visiting this website?

It's a fun little site called "My Kids Eat Free".  It's as simple as can be: just choose your state from one pull-down menu, then your city and the day of the week you want to go out from another, and instantly you get a customized list of kids-eat-free possibilities!

And while you're there, look around.  They have several other great tools: "My Kids Go Free" and restaurant coupons are two I noticed right off the bat.

Now if I could just find someplace that lets teenagers eat free...


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