
The High Price of Free Stuff: Update

Remember those free dance lessons my boys were taking last semester?  Well...

My girls love to dance too.  They haven't done any structured dance classes lately partly because they are very busy and partly because we couldn't afford it.  When it came time this spring to re-register the boys for their free classes, it seemed only fair to let the girls take a dance class or two (or three).

With the new dance classes came new dance clothes and new shoes.  And now it's time for the spring recital.  That means buying dance costumes along with tickets for the privilege of watching my own children (boys and girls now) dance on stage. I even have the option of buying T-shirst, programs, and  "recital trophies" for each of my kids (not!). And when it's all over I can even pay for a copy of the recital video or individual and class pictures of the kids dressed in their recital costumes!

Don't misunderstand.  I love watching my kids dance.  We can afford these lessons at this point in time (thank you tax return!).  I don't regret signing them up at all.  I only tell you this story to make a point:

Free stuff isn't free. 

When a company gives you something free, they are doing it to buy you as a customer.  They are buying your time and your loyalty because chances are you will pay them back in time.  My kids received about $400 in free dance lessons.  In return I've spent nearly a thousand dollars on dance lessons for my girls along with another $100 spent on dance clothes at their boutique.  And that's just the money I have spent back to the dance company.  That doesn't count the money I've spent in other places (gas, dance clothes bought at other stores, etc.).  These free lessons were nowhere near free.

Still a good deal?  Yes.
Still a positive choice for my family?  for us, yes. 
Right for everyone?  No.
Free?  Not even close.


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