
Tip of the Day: How to Win the Mother of the Year Award

Some days we just sit back, put our feet up, and wait for the UPS man to bring us our Mother of The Year award.  Right?

Okay seriously, we screw up quite often, and we wanted to share some of our "real life" with you in case you feel like we're just perfect all the time.  Hahaha...

Here is a short list of the stupid mistakes we've made in just the past few weeks:

  • I forgot to get my Kindergartener off the bus, so they had to take him back to the school to wait for me there.
  •  I drove to school and forgot to pick up the neighbor boy whom we've driven to school every single day for the entire school year (my kids noticed but decided it would be funny not to tell me).
  •  I put a load of laundry containing every pair of pants I own into the washing machine, and didn't realize I had forgotten to dry it until ten minutes before I had to leave for the day.
  • I fed my kids a late lunch and then forgot to feed my kids dinner.  When I put them to bed and they claimed they were hungry, I promised them cake for breakfast to make them stop whining and go to sleep.
  • I walked into the bathroom/laundry room while someone was taking a shower (which should have been a clue that I was making a mistake) and put every towel we own into the washer.  The unfortunate shower-er got to use a t-shirt to dry off with - even though they had remembered to make sure they had a towel before they got in the shower.
  • I handed a toddler a cup of Coke, and handed my husband a sippee of milk.

 So cheer up.  Nobody's perfect, and you're not doing as bad as you think.

(We'd rather not say which one of us each of these follies belong to.)

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