
Tip of the day: Rugs

If you have kids, you shouldn't have carpet.  It's that simple.  So decide today which one you want to keep: the kids or the carpets.

Okay, not really.

But seriously, kids ruin carpets.  They just do.  For more on this phenomenon look here.

So if you have nice carpet and want to keep it clean, get a rug and cover it up.

If you have carpets that are already stained and ugly, get a carpet and cover them up.

You can get a large, decent looking area rug for $40.  That's a lot less than re-carpeting an entire room.  And if it gets ruined, it's a lot cheaper to remove and replace than real carpet.


P.S. Story time....

Once upon a time my husband and I lived in a house with horribly stained carpet.  We talked about getting new carpet, but our kids were small and we were worried that the new carpet would quickly be ruined anyway.  We decided on an experiment: we bought a light-colored area rug and put it in the middle of the living room.  We told ourselves that if we could keep the rug clean for 6 months, then that would prove we were ready for new carpeting.  That night we invited my dear friend Kate, her husband, and their kids over for dinner.  Within minutes of admiring our new rug, her husband accidentally spilled an entire can of Coke onto the rug.  Moral of the story?  Kate's family and my family are both not ready for new carpet.
Other moral of the story?  Get a dark-colored area rug!


  1. Noted. Rugs are really a wise and practical (dare I say) furniture for floors. The same could be said for carpets. But they're a feature all their own. So we will really have to continually maintain them and keep 'em clean. Dark colors are okay though, to mask what should be a temporary impasse.

    Dallas Rug Cleaner

  2. I agree. Dark colored rugs are more practical especially if you have active kids prone to making a mess in the house. Still, it would be best to clean your rug regularly whether or not a stain is visible.

    Chuck Levesque
