
Weekly Victory: A quick trip to the thrift store

When I lived in Utah, there seemed to be no shortage of thrift stores.  I could stop by and check out the latest offerings on my way to or from almost any of my other, regular errands.  School drop off, grocery shopping, even playdates.  I would pass by at least one thrift store every time, and could make a quick stop with almost no effort or cost (gas or time) involved.

Last year, we moved to the Boston area, and have found a disappointing lack of thrift stores.  As a result, I now have to plan our trips, taking advantage of the times I need to be in the areas of town where we have found them.  This week, however, was one such time.  My daughter had an appointment at the audiologist to check on her hearing aid, and the route to get there runs right next to one of the thrift stores we like to visit.

So on the way home, we stopped in for a quick look around.  Truth be told, there isn't much that we need right now.  My kids all have clothes to wear, each with a bin full just waiting for colder weather.  We have well and truly moved into our house, and have already acquired all of the items that make this new house, feel like home.  But we are having another baby this fall, and for the first time in almost 14 years I am woefully unprepared.

So with this in mind, we walked into the store.  We were primarily on the lookout for anything that would be useful for the baby, as well as a few items for this winter.  And: success!  Not only did we find the cutest little cream-colored (read: gender neutral) warm and fuzzy zip-up outfit perfect for Baby to wear outside, but we also scored on pj's for two of my kids (not pictured, they're already in the bins upstairs).  

Then, as a bonus my ten year old, who is a new but very passionate New England Patriots fan, found a long sleeved Patriots t shirt perfect for this fall.  And on the way to the register, look what we discovered: a San Diego Chargers jersey for Marcia's boys (her husband and thus her boys are big Chargers fans)!  Shhh, don't tell her...

And as the icing on the cake, at the last minute while I was actually checking out with my purchases, my oldest daughter found a nearly new diaper bag!  Perfect condition, black with green trim so it's great whether this baby's a boy or a girl.

All in all, a VERY successful 10 minute excursion to the thrift store.


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