
The Secret to Chores

As a mom, I have spent years searching for the perfect system for helping kids to do their chores.   Is there a magic chore chart?  What about an elaborate reward system? Am I expecting too much of kids who are too little?  Should it require constant parental vigilance?

A few years ago my sister commented on how my children were such an amazing and efficient work crew.  On a more recent visit she looked at my kids and asked, "Wow, when did your kids get so lazy?"  How quickly the mighty have fallen!

I can't count the number of times I found the perfect system, only to find myself three months later wondering why nothing is getting done any more.  Lots of things work, but nothing seems to work forever.  What's up with that?

So we all want to know:  What is the secret method to getting your kids excited about chores?

Well, after continual trial and error, I have the answer.  Are you ready for it?  Here it is... (imagine the dramatic pause when Po opens up the Dragon Scroll!)....

The secret formula is:  There is no secret formula!

It's like the old expression: the only thing constant is change.  The only good chore system is one that changes.   

There is no one way to make chores happen, to get kids excited, or to keep them motivated.  Odds are there is nothing you can do that will work today, that will still be working a year from now.  The secret to keeping kids excited to do chores it to keep it fresh.  This is good news and bad news.  The bad news is you have to keep reinventing the wheel to help keep your kids enthusiastic about chores. However, the good news is now you can stop beating yourself up every time one of your previously successful chore plans fail.  


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